Jian Chunlin, secretary of the Party Committee of Hainan Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association, accepted the review

According to the news of Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection: Jian Chunlin, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the board of directors of Hainan Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association, is suspected of serious violation of discipline and is currently under organizational review. Resume of jianchunlin Jian Chunlin, male, born in January 1959, Han nationality, from Danzhou, Hainan province, graduated from the Central Party School. He joined the Communist Party of China in May 1984 and joined the work in July 1977. From 1977.07 to 1993.12, he served as the manager, accountant, deputy director of the branch, director […]

Shenzhen: commercial property layout shall not adopt residential design

After Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, Shenzhen has also introduced regulatory policies for e-commerce service types of properties today! A few days ago, the Shenzhen State Regulatory Commission issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the architectural design and management of commercial office research and development buildings. The key points of regulation and control of commercial office research and development buildings this time are as follows: 1. It is stipulated that the layout of the building shall not adopt residential design. 2. In the same floor, there are office rooms with special toilets and tea rooms, and the total construction area shall […]

Sichuan Deyang reported “police driving police cars to occupy the road to eat rice noodles”: no oil and flameout

In response to the incident of “Sichuan Deyang police driving a police car to occupy the road and eat rice noodles”, Deyang public security bureau development zone branch issued a briefing on May 9, saying that the police car was stopped at the roadside without oil, while the police were waiting for the police station patrol team to deliver oil, eat rice noodles at the rice noodle shop on the roadside. At present, the public security bureau has criticized and educated the parties concerned. On May 5th, the netizen “Demon covered the Rain” posted in Baidu Post Bar “Deyang bar”, […]

Decoding C919: Why do you want to build a big plane instead of buying it directly?

On the 5th, C919 made its first flight smoothly. Around this domestic big plane, netizens had many problems. Why did we build a big plane? Because jet trunk passenger aircraft is a very complicated industrial product, only the United States, Russia and Europe have independent research and development capabilities in the world so far, which shows the great difficulty. So, there are already so many big planes in the market. Why don’t China buy them directly and spend 10 years developing them by itself? This is also one of the issues that netizens are very concerned about. They continue to […]

Guangzhou East real estate market: Housing prices are combined with decoration models to avoid government price limits

It is understood that in order to control the excessive rise in housing prices, Guangzhou issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the regulation of the real estate market at the end of March, which requires real estate development enterprises to clearly mark prices strictly according to the pre-sale license filing price, those who have signed the subscription agreement shall not raise the price or increase the price in disguise. However, the reporter found that in Zengcheng Guangzhou and Huangpu district, some real estates still broke through the previous price limit red line in terms of sales price, and many projects […]

AIIB members expanded to 77. New members are welcome to join this year.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 13 (reporter Yu Qianyuan) the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced in Beijing on the 13th that its council has approved a new batch of seven intended members to join, the total number of members has expanded to 77. According to Jin Liqun, the president of the AIIB, the seven new members included members from Bahrain, Cyprus, Samoa, and four non-regional members from Bolivia, Chile, Greece and Romania. After seven intended members are approved, they must go through domestic legal procedures and deposit the first capital into the bank before they can become full members. […]

Many new leaders of the group army who have been adjusted and formed have appeared one after another.

After the Central Military Commission decided to adjust and form 13 army groups based on the original 18 army groups, including the army chief, political commissar, deputy army chief, chief of staff, many heads of several group armies, including the director of the Political Work Department, have recently appeared one after another through the official media and entered the public view. In terms of the main officers of the Group Army, Major General Wang Yinfang and Major General Fang Yongxiang respectively served as the main officers of the newly adjusted Group Army. Among them, Wang Yinfang, the former commander of […]

Emergency notification from national network and information security information Notification Center

At about 20:00 on May 12, 2017, the new “worm” ransomware virus broke out. At present, tens of thousands of computers in more than 100 countries and regions have been infected by the ransomware virus, some Windows series operating system users in China have been infected. Please upgrade and install the patch as soon as possible. The address is https://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/security/MS17-010.aspx 。. Windows 2003 and XP do not have official patches. Relevant users can turn on and enable Windows firewall, enter advanced settings, disable file and printer sharing, or enable personal firewall to turn off 445 and 135, high-risk ports such […]

How much can you increase the basic pension for urban and rural residents this year?

Beijing, Beijing, May 12 (reporter Li Jinlei) Recently, Shanghai and Inner Mongolia announced to raise the basic pension of old-age insurance for urban and rural residents. The reporter found that at least eight provinces have raised this standard this year. Among them, several provinces clearly put forward that conditional areas can increase the basic pension on their own on the basis of unified adjustment of the whole province. Shanghai urban and rural residents basic pension Kanda 850 yuan. (Information picture) taken by Li Jinlei, reporter of zhongxin.com Shanghai urban and rural residents basic pension Kanda 850 yuan Recently, while improving […]

SASAC secretary investigates aircraft carrier project: the establishment of temporary party committee is exemplary

On May 11, Hao Peng, secretary of the Party Committee of the State Council SASAC, accompanied by Hu Qiming, secretary of the Party group and chairman of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry, went to the ship Group aircraft carrier project site to investigate the Party building work of key projects, it is emphasized that we should implement the series of important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the National Conference on party-building work of state-owned enterprises, constantly explore and innovate the experience and practices of Party building, and promote the construction of national key projects with new […]